Delivering first-person news
Your donations allow us to publish and teach first-person journalism, and provide the resources to support and compensate hundreds of journalists - many of whom live in developing nations with little opportunity.
True stories need to be heard
Our team interviews subjects who have endured or witnessed a newsworthy event or experience. This next generation of reporters allows citizens from around the world to tell their stories, helping them to raise their voices, and speak their truths in a sea of misinformation and disinformation.
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Delivering first-person news
Your donations allow us to publish and teach first-person journalism, and provide the resources to support and compensate hundreds of journalists - many of whom live in developing nations with little opportunity.
True stories need to be heard
Our team interviews subjects who have endured or witnessed a newsworthy event or experience. This next generation of reporters allows citizens from around the world to tell their stories, helping them to raise their voices, and speak their truths in a sea of misinformation and disinformation.